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Franchisee Stories

David (China)

How long have you been with Little Kickers?

 In 2015, I was able to launch Little Kickers in China.

What were you doing before Little Kickers?

Before joining Little Kickers in 2015, I was a licensed Engineer and was working as a General Manager at an engineering company.

Why did you join Little Kickers?

 I was looking to start up a business with great potential for long term development in China. After conducting our research, my partner and I believed that there was an exceptional opportunity in the sports and education sectors in China. We then found Little Kickers and we fell in love immediately with the concept and products they had to offer.

What makes Little Kickers different than other programs?

Little Kickers is different than other program because it offers unique classes that promote positivity and healthy development. The global network of franchisees continues to focus on innovation and continues to lead the way for child developmental programs around the world. It is a very rewarding and joyful business.

Carrie (Cyprus)

How long have you been with Little Kickers?  

We made the decision to join Little Kickers in 2011 and I can honestly say it’s the best decision we ever made.


What were you doing before Little Kickers?

Before I joined Little Kickers, I was the Head of Training for McDonalds in Cyprus. It was truly the best school for me, working with people and learning so many things that have helped me run my Little Kickers franchise.


Why did you join Little Kickers?

I joined the Little Kickers family because I wanted a new adventure. I wanted a business that allowed me and my husband to work together.


What makes Little Kickers different than other programs?

As a Little Kickers Franchisee, I am able to work flexible hours, while meeting and interacting with so many people every year. Also, being able to work with children daily is really such a blessing.

Paola (El Salvador)

How long have you been with Little Kickers?   

We officially started our Little Kickers classes in September 2017.

What were you doing before Little Kickers?

Since 2004, I have been working in the soccer industry and currently operate 4 sport venues, with a total of 12 soccer fields while also running Little Kickers.   

Why did you join Little Kickers?  

My husband and I have been in the soccer business since 2004. We are huge soccer fans and we live in El Salvador, a small country that doesn’t have the best soccer league and players, but does have a strong passion for the sport.  Through the years in the business we have seen many soccer coaches come and go in our venues, and lots of parents looking for soccer classes for their children.  However, nothing worked, that is until we joined Little Kickers!


What makes Little Kickers different than other programs?

I really don’t know where to start!  After almost a year with the Little Kickers program, I’m simply in love with the program! In our venues, we have seen the difference from traditional soccer classes to Little Kickers.  First, the age groups and the structure of the classes for each group is amazingly designed for the kids to be able to keep focused, learn and have fun. Secondly, the program is simply so much fun! Each of the games can be adapted to the age groups and to different situations.  What I’ve learned from the program is amazing, but mainly I have learned that having fun with the kids is the key to the success of the program.   


Anke & Victoria (Spain)

How long have you been with Little Kickers?

We joined Little Kickers in 2017.


What were you doing before Little Kickers?

Anke: I worked most of my career in banking and finance, from start-up to large project finance. After having my daughter and moving to Madrid I became even more passionate about education and started working as a teacher and as an Associate Director at IE Business School.


Victoria: My professional background is Product Management. During my career I was a clothing & footwear buyer, supplier and product manager. My previous jobs involved designing, sourcing & developing product then marketing & selling the product concepts.

Why did you join Little Kickers?

Anke: I started playing handball when I was 5 years old and stayed with it until I was 18. I loved being part of a team, growing and learning together. I was looking for something similar for my daughter and when the opportunity of becoming part of Little Kickers came up, I was excited to not only join my knowledge of finance with my passion for education, but also having finally found an activity for my daughter that involves fun, play and education. 


Victoria: I was looking for a sporting activity for my then 2.5yr old son to do after we participated in toddler football classes in the UK but was unable to find anything similar in Spain. I was also ready to return to work after maternity leave but wanted to have a job or a business that allowed me to maintain flexibility to continue to look after my son. 

What makes Little Kickers different than other programs?

Anke: Little Kickers is a unique project that harmonises fun with education. My business partner and I are both big fans of learning through play and believe that during a child’s early formative years this is the best and most natural method of learning & discovery whilst playing. Little Kickers provides children with a safe & positive environment for them to be active and to develop their confidence and important social and physical skills. 


Victoria: Little Kickers is a unique project that harmonises fun with education. We are both big fans of learning through play and believe that during a child’s early formative years this is the best and most natural method of learning & discovery whilst playing. Little Kickers provides children with a safe & positive environment for them to be active and to develop their confidence and important social and physical skills. 





Everson & Michele (Brazil)

How long have you been with Little Kickers?


In 2010, we started working as coaches in Sydney, Australia. In 2013, we decided to move back to Brazil and launched Little Kickers Brazil. 

What were you doing before Little Kickers?


Before we joined the Little Kickers family, Everson was working at a childcare center in Sydney, Australia. At the same time, I was working as a Territory Manager for a Pharmaceutical Company.

 Why did you join Little Kickers?


We loved the program and we also love working with kids. We both have a physical education background so it was a great opportunity to launch a career within our field. We were also looking for places that offered career progression and we saw that opportunity within Little Kickers.  

 What makes Little Kickers different than other programs?


With Little Kickers, we are able to have an impact in the lives of so many kids within our communities. We also get to work within a field we really enjoy, with an organization that offers exceptional support and guidance to all its franchisees!

Julian (Ecuador)

How long have you been with Little Kickers?

I launched Little Kickers in Ecuador in February 2012.


What were you doing before Little Kickers?

I worked at PWC as a business consultant.  Then I started my own soccer program called “La Canchita” in 2009, but we didn’t have a program that gave us competitive advantage against competitors.  Then, in 2012 we decided to join Little Kickers and it has been a wonderful experience.


Why did you join Little Kickers?

I join Little Kickers because I love soccer. All the benefits a Little Kickers provided us reduced the risk of failure.  With Little Kickers, we started a new way of doing things in Ecuador.  We have change the way parents think in relation to soccer and competition. Parents in our communities now understand that it is play is more important than push!


What makes Little Kickers different than other programs?

What makes Little Kickers different are many things.  Whether it be the objectives we have for children's development, the continuous development of methodologies, games and marketing material that help us grow our business, or even the international support we require when we need advice.


Dan (Australia)

How long have you been with Little Kickers?

We joined Little Kickers in December 2008.


What were you doing before Little Kickers?

Before my wife and I joined the Little Kickers family, I was an electrician and my wife was in corporate travel. 


Why did you join Little Kickers?

We decided to join Little Kickers because we believed in the brand and the vision the Little Kickers team had. We wanted to be a part of something rewarding, something community focused and something we could be proud of. 


As I moved through due diligence two things struck me. Firstly, that there were genuine, warm and friendly people throughout the organization who I instinctively felt I would be able to work with. Over the past 10 years I have become active in the franchising sector and know that healthy business relationships are the core to a successful system like ours. Second, many franchisees spoke of the 'back office' support more than the awesome and fun sessions. I think that convinced me that there was the potential to grow something significant for the longer term.


What makes Little Kickers different than other programs?

The brands ability to grow and evolve, whilst remaining true to it's core mission statement.  I don't believe Little Kickers would be in so many diverse markets, with so many amazing people driving it on the ground, if it didn't have a strong and passionate foundation from which to build upon. We understand that we will keep moving forward with integrity and hard work so that those who are a part of the Little kickers community - parents, kids, franchisees, coaches and our support teams - feel valued and see the benefit of that work.

Carlo (South Africa)

How long have you been with Little Kickers?

We launched Little Kickers in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2008!!


What were you doing before Little Kickers?

Before Little Kickers, I worked in the hospitality/ Entertainment industry.


Why did you join Little Kickers?

My wife came across Little Kickers online. At the time, we were looking for a new business opportunity in South Africa. We are both very passionate about sport and teaching children. We also had three children of our own under the age of seven that participated in various sports from a young age. Therefore, we understood that there was a lack of programs when it came to teaching football to the younger age-groups and we thought it was a good idea to bring Little Kickers to South Africa. 


What makes Little Kickers different than other programs?

What makes Little Kickers different is its philosophy, which we identify with, the quality of the coaching programme and the well developed business resources/systems. Little Kickers has a strong global brand identity and a rock solid foundation built by a professional and credible team of experts. A Little Kickers franchise is a low risk, low investment opportunity with good returns and a great work-life balance. 


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